Sunday, 21 October 2012


This weekend was one of those bittersweet times when you have a sad event to attend but still feel warm and fuzzy because it means you get to connect with your FAMILY <3

Yesterday we attended the funeral of my Great Aunty Kay.  90 years old and still as fresh and fiesty as I will ever remember.  A woman of grace, community spirit and family loyalty....a treasure cherished by her family and whom will be deeply missed!  It was a time of celebrating a wonderful life and reacquainting the ones left behind, something done far too little.  For the first time since my own Mother's funeral all of her siblings were gathered in one place, something needing to be documented!  here is what is left of my immediate "extended family" and the wonderful ties I have left to my "Smith Family" heritage!  Love you guys and all the personalities you bring to our lives!

Sunday, 7 October 2012

It is funny when you are growing up that you dont necessarily end up being friends with the 'besties' you had in school.  Joleen and I hung around here and there but it wasnt until we were out in the adult world that we really found our friendship.  She was my first roommate, the reason I am in the industry I am in and one of my biggest supporters of inching my way into the photography world.  It is because of all of these things that I said I would do some photos for her grandpa's 80th birthday for her and her family..and well anyone else that wanted to...LOL.  I was seriously worried about this ALL WEEK as I dont do as much picture taking as I would like and well..lets face it, I am a putz!  Sure...would love to catch pics of 50 of your closest family for a couple hours...then trip, smash the camera and ruin everything...EEK.  This did not happen (thank God) but the sheer thought FREAKS me out!

Anywho...I was honored to capture memories for Joleen and her family.  They are the perfect image of a Canadian family!  Hope you like this years shots Jo!

Ahh.. my little princess.  (ahem...or the farthest thing from it :)  I was always one of those parents whose inner head voice always said "bah, my teenager won't be like THAT" ...of course because I was sweet and innocent! (please lord dont let my family see that...)  INstead I ended up with a strong-willed sarcastic brat.  Would I change this for anything?? Not a chance :)  Here is my crraazzzy teen...smiling, talking and posing for her mother in a way only she can muster! Love ya toad :)